« Demo war » de Kitchen Litho en Indonésie
Découverte d’Adi Sundoro alias Asun, jeune artiste indonésien
Asun est étudiant à Jakarta en Indonésie. Avec beaucoup de gentillesse, il a répondu à mes questions suite aux photos qu’il m’a envoyées. On le voit faire des démonstrations de Kitchen Litho face au public de l’expo Jogja Mini Prints à Jakarta. Merci Asun et mille bravos aussi!
« Demo War » de Kitchen Litho à Jakarta par Asun !
« DEMO WAR » Adi Sundoro / Jakarta / Technical Demonstration « Kitchen Litography » Now!! JIMPF 2013. Thanks to Syahrizal Pahlevi as the coordinator of Jogja International Mini Print Festival. Photos de Dhigel Leghid (« Laskar Art Up » à Jakarta).
Interview in english with Asun
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Please Asun, can you speak about you?
– Okay, my name is Adi Sundoro, but you can call me ASUN. I’m a student (semester of 9) on State University of Jakarta, majoring Visual Art Education. But, I’m very interest in printmaking and drawing as media to works. I’ve lot learned about printmaking techniques; relief print, mokuhanga, intaglio, silkscreen, and the last that i’ve learned is your KL.
Wonderful your demo war of Kitchen Litho for Jogja mini print!
– Well, The JIMPF (Jogja International Mini Print Festival 15-30 November2013) jogjaminiprints.com actually a pre-event from some Biennale mini prints 2014 that created by a printmaker from Yogyakarta; Syahrizal Pahlevi. The Event contains; International mini prints exhibition, Conference (the speakers are from; Bandung, Malaysia, and Singapore), Workshop, Studio Visit and The Demo War.
Mr. Syahrizal Pahlevi Invites me to join to demonstarting the Kitchen Litho VERSUS Ms. Elly Kent (Artist from Australia but live in Yogyakarta). Why i called it with « versus »? Yeah, because both of we (me and Ms. Elly) are on war, demonstration war The audience choose which demonstration table that most interesting for them.
Can you tell me more about your art work?
– In making some works i’m interest with subject or theme about human, anatomy, animal worlds. In this case, i’m very interesting with the pinnipedia super-familie, which have unique characteristic in animal species. You know, it’s interesting because in land was lived dog, lion and elephant and the pinnipedia was made by God as the version as can life in water / sea.
Why in red?
-Ahaha it just one of my favorite emilion! the other is dark navy blue. I’m very passionate with the two colors.
Tell us more about ‘Mokuhanga’ please Asun
– Oh. about mokuhanga its a japanese woodblock print. It’s waterbased and safety (there’s no using any chemical). It’s similiar with ukiyo-e from Japan. I Learned about this from Mr. Syahrizal Pahlevi. Maybe You can visit http://www.syahrizalpahlevi.com and http://www.terasprintstudio.com
Thank you so much Asun, very interesting, we keep in touch!
– Do not hesitate to send me a message again for another question
Autres Kitchen Litho d’Asun!